Who is this guy?

in a nutshell

It’s a question I get a lot, and within reason. I do a lot of different things and it tends to cause some to scratch their heads. I figured this would be a good place to set the record straight. Here it goes…

I started acting in 2008, performing in plays and improv comedy shows at my high school. I never expected to make it a career, but once the acting bug bit me it didn’t let go. It was during my high school and undergrad that I worked in kitchens, eventually working my way up to be a sou chef (and make tacos for Michael Jordan of the cinema classic Space Jam). I earned a degree in Theatre and Dramatic Arts from Grand Canyon University, where I also picked up an affinity for sound design and scriptwriting. After a few years of working in the Phoenix theatre and improv scene as an actor, teacher, writer, and sound designer I left the desert for the United Kingdom to pursue my MFA in acting at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

It was during my MFA that I wrote, starred in, directed, produced, and sound-designed my fiction podcast Directive. What originally started as a facet of my research project ended up being a loved piece of audio fiction with over 100k downloads. It also sprung many opportunities in scriptwriting, voice acting, sound designing, producing, and consulting.

TLDR: I’m a Brooklyn-based actor, scriptwriter, and content producer who has worked with clients such as Deloitte, eBay, Marriott, Mastercard, Kodak Plus, Gfuel, and Rocket Money (to name a few). Think of me as your last stop before you need to hire a full-on production company.



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